LUJCM Present another  TJ Lowe Production entitled "The Modern Day Esther"

Saturday, June 29, 2024 Ron Robinson   Theater beginnning at 1:30 pm,

100 River Market District, Little Rock, AR 72201.

 This is a though provoking, serious, and amusing production

You will not be disappointed.

Tickets are $30.00 which may be purchased at Uncle T's Food Mart,

1509 W. Daisy Gaston Bate Dr.LR., AR 72202

 For more information, contact # 501-618-1216 or 501-744-0474.




Mission, Vision & Future Goals


Lifting Up Jesus Christ Ministries (LUJCM)  mission is to advance the kingdom of God by bringing salvation to the lost, maturing the body of Christ, and challenging today's youth and adults to be followers of Jesus Christ by dramatic presentations and the preached word.  LUJCM mission directs our strategic planning and our views.



To challenge today's youth and adults to be strong followers of Jesus Christ.


Future Operational Goals 

  • Secure a 500 seat theater where dramatic productions will be performed.  The primary purpose of this theater is to be a haven for children that may be going through challenging situations in their homes and school; it will also be for children that are not going through difficult situations.  There will be a Theatrical School of Arts (TSOA) and Character Development Center (CDC) located in the facility. 

  • The ministry will create jobs for people in the community, and be an avenue for unknown and known individuals to display their talents.
  • Travel throughout the United States performing dramatic productions that will bring joy, laughter, encouragement, and hope to all that attend.
  • LUJCM will write and produce movies and sitcom that will provide wholesome and lively entertainment for the big screen and national television.