Got Talent? Audition!!! 

Do you act, sing, or quote poetry? An audition for the upcoming TJ Lowe Production for The Modern Day Esther will be held! Men and women may apply (beginning at the age of 18). For more information, please contact LUJCM ministries at 501-618-1216.   

Location: Oley E Rooker Library, #11 Otter Creek, CT. Little Rock, AR. 

Date: Saturday, Feb.24th, 2024

Time: 9:45 am to 11:45 am   







Books Written by T. J. Lowe


Written by Evangelist Teretha Lowe

Well, Praise The Lord, I am so excited that my very first book is available. The title is, "IF GOD CAN USE ME, WHAT ABOUT YOU?" You will see God's redemptive power changing my life. I share some of the things that I experienced before and after Jesus Christ. The devil tried to destroy me with drugs, alcohol, committing fornication, and adultery

 I was looking for love in all of the wrong places. There was an empty void in my life that Jesus could only fill, and when he set me free, I was free indeed; that was almost 41 years.

The bible says in "John 8:36 If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

This book will encourage you to continue on your journey to fulfilling all that God has called you to be. Now, if you have not started on your journey to fulfill the plan and purpose that God has for your life, I pray that you will be encouraged to get started while reading this book. 

This book can be purchased at & Barnes& May the blessings of God continuously be yours.